Nursery Work Basic In-Service Training Course 幼儿园工作基本在职训练课程
The Preliminary Exploration about in-service Training System of Special Education Teachers in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省特教教师在职培训体制改革初探
The persons who participate in choosing must offer there is domestic, other in-service training to complete a course certifiers in the most recent three years. 参加选拔者须提供最近三年内有国内、外在职进修结业证明者。
The study on the demand of rural teachers for in-service training lays a foundation for more effective in-service training. 研讨农村落教师培训需求将为提高教师培训实效性提供奠基作用。
Reflection of in-service training for new nurses without professional stomatology background That restaurant is looking for immediate part-time or full-time servers. 对非口腔专业新上岗护士在职培训的实践那家餐馆正在招聘可以马上上岗的兼职或者全职服务生。
Cooperation and Talk: an Ecological View on the School-based In-Service Training; and takes an active part in the dialogue and cooperation process aimed at regional security. 合作与对话:校本培训的生态学视域积极参与地区安全对话与合作进程。
Rather than send employees away on courses, the company relies on in-service training. 这家公司依靠在职培训而不是让雇员脱产学习。
African In-Service Training Programme 非洲人员在职训练方案
Organize the pre-service and in-service training and assessment to group members. 负责采购人员的岗前培训和在岗培训,并组织考核;
I was impressed with the company's emphasis on in-service training. 这家公司对员工在职训练的重视,令我印象深刻。
Plans are complete for a purpose-built complex at the detective training school, to house a new school and a centralised in-service training centre. 至于侦缉训练学校方面,特别设计的综合大楼已完成规划。大楼内除设有一间新学校外,还有一个中央在职训练中心。
Continuing Education College ( CEC) is mandated by ECNU to be responsible for adult schooling at the tertiary level, in-service training of teachers and general training of the public. 继续教育学院是负责学校成人学历教育和教师培训兼及社会培训的管理型学院。
The periods during which the people's police receive in-service training in schools or academies shall be included in the intervals for the promotion in their ranks. 在职的人民警察在院校培训的时间,计算在警衔晋级的期限内。
Could you please describe in detail the kinds of in-service training offered at your school and your district? 请详细描述一下你们学校和区里所提供的职后培训。
Teachers welcomed professional development and in-service training incorporating formal training to handle stereotyping issues. 教师欢迎在专业发展课程及在职培训课程内,加入有关处理定型问题的正统训练。
Based on Competency Public Safety Management in-service training system innovation 基于胜任力的公共安全管理在职人员的培训系统创新
The Hong Kong seamen's training centre, a modern and well-equipped Learning Institute operated by the vocational training council, provide straining courses for new entrants and in-service training. 香港海员训练中心由职业训练局开办,是一所设备完善的现代化学院。该中心开办新入职者训练课程和海员在职训练课程。
The existing medical internship and in-service training model for general practice were systematically adopted as tools for retaining physicians. 现有的医疗实习和在职一般诊疗培训模式系统上被认为是保留医生的手段。
The school of public health nursing in the Department of health provided in-service training programmes for the department's nursing and allied grade staff to enhance and update their professional knowledge. 卫生署公共健康护理学校为该署的护理和专职医疗人员提供在职训练,帮助他们提升和更新专业知识。
In view of disadvantages on current in-service training for librarian, the author advances the new further education idea of library-based training, and discusses its main operational ways. 针对图书馆员现行在职培训的若干缺陷,提出了馆本培训这一继续教育新理念,探讨了其主要的操作方式。
The department provides staff with recruit, development and specialist training at the Staff Training Institute, and in-service training at individual penal institutions. 惩教署分别在职员训练院为职员提供入职、发展和专科训练,以及在个别惩教机构提供在职训练。
By interpreting teachers 'reflection and reflective teaching and illustrating the relationship between reflective teaching and teachers' continuing education this paper systematically analyzes the significance of reflective teaching theory to modern teachers 'continuing education and in-service training. 通过对教师反思和反思性教学的含义以及反思性教学与教师继续教育的关系的阐述,系统分析了反思性教学理论的出现对于现代教师继续教育和岗位培训的重要启发和借鉴意义。
The educational factors mainly include pre-service education, appointment education, in-service training, practical training, etc. 教育因素主要包括职前教育、入职教育、在职培训、实践训练等;
Teachers professional development is made up of three stages: pre-service training, qualification appointment and in-service training. 教师专业发展由职前培养、资格任用和在职培训三个阶段组成。
Implement ability of musical pre-and in-service training of the teachers; 重视和落实教师音乐素养的培训;
The teachers should be trained and equipped much more, including in-service training and fore-service training; 加强师资培训与配备,含在职培训与职前培训;
Besides, in China blended learning is also gradually carried out in social enterprise training and distance education training colleges, but the application of in-service training among kindergarten teachers has not yet been studied in depth. 混合式学习在我国大学远程学历培训和社会企业培训中的研究也缓慢而稳步上升,但还未有人对其在幼儿园教师在职培训中的应用进行过详细研究。
Teacher professional development and in-service training have attracted increasing interest in recent years. 近年来,教师职业发展和在职培训吸引了越来越多的关注。
In-service training of teachers, as an important component of teacher education, promotes teachers 'professional development. 教师培训作为教师教育的重要组成部分,对教师的专业成长起到了十分重要的作用。
We are paying close attention to the in-service training model for High School teachers all the time. 高校教师在职培训模式一直是我们关注的问题。